5th ANNY Best of Fest Call for Participation

 In ANNY Best of Fest NYC, Events, News, Virtual ANNY, Virtual Reality

Calling All Animation Lovers!

Calling All Animation Lovers!

Animation Nights New York’s 5th ANNY Best of Fest is quickly approaching!

If you haven’t heard of us: We are a curated, monthly screening event and yearly festival that showcases animation talent from across the globe. Our artists include everyone from students to tenured industry professionals.

We will be running a virtual festival this year from November 13th to the 20th and are excited to partner with our friends at Alamo Drafthouse Cinema, who will stream our films from their VOD platform, Alamo on Demand.

To complement our film program, we will also host mixers, industry roundtables, and networking events across our webXR and Zoom platforms. We have an exciting, jam-packed lineup this year as we combine films from 2020 and 2021.

Please fill out this Participation Form, if you’d like to apply to join us for industry events!




ABOUT Animation Nights New York


Animation Nights New York is a curated monthly screening event and annual festival started in NYC. We show animated short films and virtual reality animation experiences from all around the world. Screening events are free. Project Submission is free.

ANNY Exchange connects talent to projects. We connect animation talent to opportunity using our festival as a vehicle. Sign up to participate.

The ANNY Cannes Program is an additional opportunity for our in-competition filmmakers. We bring together filmmakers from around the world to join us at the Cannes Film Festival. Participants in the ANNY Cannes Program benefit from our unique partnership with the festival, which allow us to hand select 20 animated short films for exhibition as part of the ANNY Cannes Program. Films are available for viewing on the ANNY channel in the Short Film Corner, and during a special screening in the Marché du Film. We host industry events in Cannes as part of ANNY Exchange.

The ANNY Best of Fest is a TWO DAY conference and festival featuring Animation Screenings, Fine Art Installation, an XR Showcase, Professional Panels, and Industry Events.

ANNY Virtual Events is our online VOD solution and webXR platform. We present our monthly screening event online! Join us in the ANNY Virtual Events space! Sign up to our mailing list for up-to-date information on the next event.

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